14 Oct YUM!
One of the enjoyable things we do here at RC is eat. Sometimes customers give us food — and that’s always wonderfully delicious. Sometimes we bring our own concoctions in to show-off and share. James brings the Girl Scout cookie order sheet in for his daughter so that we can add a few calories-yummy! Other times, instead of sharing food, we just share a great recipe. But twice a year we attend the Elyria Christian School dinner. The BBQ beef dinner is in the fall, and the chicken noodle dinner is in the spring.
I think the spring dinner is my favorite because it’s just so delicious, AND you get a slice of pie with your meal. In the fall, you can purchase baked good (pictured above). We’ve been attending so many years that I think it has become a tradition. Sometimes the spouses and kids come along too. However, this year we had a scheduling conflict so only Ross, Darrell and James could go.
Good eats! Chew, crunch, slurp… Can’t wait till the spring dinner!
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