05 Nov That’s All, Fans!
Yesterday evening, in Ottawa, the Bullpup Varsity Soccer advance came to an end. Oh, but what a ride. With only one senior on the team, I didn’t think we’d get this far. Of course, I really don’t know much about the sporting world; but the people who do know stuff said the same thing. So why do I care? Because my kid is part of the team and that makes me an automatic fan–it’s what parents do and how parents are.
Here are a few of us fans! We willingly put our hearts and time into this to watch our boys triumph or lose out on the playing field. Sometimes, we are more hyped up than they are–at least we sound that way. See that little baby? He is part of this year’s legacy since he was born during the season.
I took these photos before everyone got to the game, so I’m sorry if you don’t see yourself. But check out the scarves! We look like professional fans with these soccer scarves that one of the parents ordered for all of us. So, to my son and the team, thanks for making a sports fan out of me–at least for a few months of the year.
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