26 Jan Just When You Need It
It’s Moringa Monday. Here’s a little information on this awesome botanical.
Sometimes, just when you need something, it arrives. Is it great timing, heavenly intervention? — or maybe you just had your eyes open– looking, being aware.
Whatever the reason, be sure to look at this and be aware of it. Moringa is a nutritious plant that is becoming very popular. Just like any natural product, it can be changed from the field to the table. So when looking for a brand to purchase, keep in mind these things: Is it organic, is it air-dried, is it’s cultivation friendly to the people who live in that area, is it’s nutrition maintained through shipping and packaging? I’ve attached an article that shares some of the health benefits.
I’ve been using moringa for several years and get mine from a company called Zija International. It helps my health in so many ways. If you’d like more information check out this website: www.buffalo.myzija.com
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